We are still having a blast eating - I mean, spending time together! Yesterday the bro and I explored a park that overlooked the lake and downtown Madison.
He wanted to call Shel Silverstein real quick and tell him that we found where the sidewalk ends...
After the sil got off work, we explored State Street and I tried mac & cheese pizza. You know I'll eat anything that doesn't threaten to eat me back, and I was pumped about it, but I also didn't have high expectations. I mean, gimme a slice of pepperoni and I'm fine. But. This pizza was so good! The crust was light and smoky (from the fire oven) and the top wasn't too cheesy. It was flavorful! I was impressed!
This is dairy country, y'all. There is so. much. cheese. We went to the grocery store just so he could show me two entire refrigerator aisles of cheese choices. This pick doesn't include the cheese store that's next to the deli or the specialty cheese aisle! I've never seen anything like it. It's the same with the milk, yogurt, and ice cream. The dairy portion takes up like half the store!
And my bro recommended alcoholic root beer (Is that a thing outside of Wisconsin? Have you heard of it?), so of course I had to try it. I considered it my recon responsibility for G, to see if he would try it during a future trip out here. Aaaaand, it's super tasty. It tastes like root beer and vanilla soda mixed together with a fizzy kick. I'm a good wife, people. I do what I can.
We strolled and shopped and ate our way through downtown. I'm a fan. This is the first of many, many trips.
Notice that my sil is eating ice cream while resting her hand on a cookie take out box. We got some of these to eat for breakfast this morning, with our coffee:
The inside is buttercream icing. OMG, I think I'm getting diabetes. Also? I'm not going to fit in the plane seat on the way back to Denver. I might have to ride in the cargo hold...not that I'm complaining.
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