Thursday, October 30, 2014

Guess What I'm Doing For Halloween??

Writing a paper.  And putting together a presentation.

Now, that's scary.

I know I do this every year, but I have to include these precious pictures of Orca.  Before G was living in Denver, he would board her for the weekend when he came out to visit.  They would have all kinds of fun with her and then show us the pictures.  The snotty rabbit we have now would never in a million years consent to even the slightest Halloween accessory, so we must enjoy the memories.

You know how I read the same holiday books each year around Christmas time?  I've decided to do that for Halloween as well, but I have to take the wimpy route because I'm not much of a horror slash scary slash even suspenseful kind of fan.  Anyhoo, I'm reading a book about vampires trying to live calmly in the suburbs and it's not bad!  It reminds me of my Vampire Diaries days...I remember those fondly.

Thanks to Rapper L, I'm going to try Dracula as well, though I won't get to it until around Thanksgiving time. 

I just realized that I get like a month off for the holidays!  Oh, precious, precious sleep!  I may even need a book list!  Here's what it tentatively looks like:

* Dracula
* Moby Dick (shame on me, English major, haven't read it, blah blah blah)
* A Christian book I'm going to steal borrow from Nat King Cole
* The next Lit Society book

A witch's hat?  On my head?  I don't think so.

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