Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Crunch Time

Remember a few weeks ago when I said my life was - and I quote - "oddly manageable"?

Um, no.

The feces has covered the roof, people.  Not a pretty picture, I know.  But I'm trying to be honest.

I knew there would be a crunch time this semester, a time when the class I'm teaching would get intense along with the classes I'm taking. But all of a sudden, everything is due at once.  There is too much reading, too much writing, too much teaching, and too much grading.

Too.  Much.

No.  Recovery.  Time.

I go from one grueling assignment right into the next with no break in between and my brain feels like it will explode.  Actually, no.  It doesn't have the energy.  It will just go on strike. 

We had a fun weekend planned and just cancelled it.  I also had plans with The Russkie and had to send her yet another round of apologetic, freaked-out texts, asking to reschedule our plans that have already been rescheduled multiple times.

Every time I am proud of myself for having a social life and adventures, it backfires on me and I find myself grading papers at 10:00 p.m. on the treadmill because if my body is not in motion I will fall asleep.

The good news is that I have yet another student to tutor!  The bad news is I now tutor four nights a week, and have class two additional nights, leaving me with no spare time (hahahahahahaha! what's that?) to do my homework.

In case you think I'm complaining, please know that I'm not.  I'm whining.  There's a difference.

Time to go to 4 hours of conferences followed by a 3 hour class.  If anyone needs me I'll the one passed out in the corner.

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