Thursday, August 14, 2014

Where the Magic Will Happen

First of all, let me just say MERCI BEAUCOUP to those of you who have encouraged me (the comments and texts).  I appreciate it.  I really, really do.

Today I got a lot of much-needed feedback from my fellow peeps about some of my ideas for class.  The direction and clarity I have so needed, I got!  It means a lot of work, but that's OK.  I can walk the path now that I can see the path.

Wanna see something cool and a little sad?  My classroom!  I tracked it down on a break.

I would like to draw your attention to a few key things in the picture above.  Notice the chalk board.  OMG where are we?  1935?  Back woods Alabama?  I hate chalk boards!  Not a white erase board in sight!  OMG I have to use chalk.  I haven't written on a chalk board (until today) since - and I'm so not kidding - 1995.

Also please notice the very cool leather bag slash purse on the front table.  It's a back-to-school gift I broke down and bought to curb my anxiety (#retailtherapy #ohsotemporary).
OMG - what??  Are you kidding me?  My mouth actually dropped open - I am so glad I was alone.
Type A:  After training I bought a few extra supplies for my class.  I bought an entire package of - get this - children's sidewalk chalk because it was the only kind I could find.  And I'm just uncool enough to really use it, and make my 18-year-old students use it.

And lastly, before I work yet again on my syllabus, this one is for you mothers out there.  I thought this sign was hysterical.  It's for a local hospital and a feminist student made her corrections to it.  I don't know if you can see it in the picture, but there's an arrow pointing to his crotch with the word v*gina written on it.  In case any of us has any questions about who and what really delivers babies.  :)

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