Saturday, August 2, 2014

This is What Celebration Looks Like

Guess who submitted her final assignment?  Guess who officially finished her second grad class?

And guess who has been celebrating ever since?

The Russkie can always be counted on for a proper celebration.
Aaaaand I'm back on the bike again.  M Dawg and I rode to a local farmer's market and trolled around for a while today.  We start training at the K-8 school next week.  Where did my summer go????


M Dawg and I can't seem to get together without having brunch.  Not that I'm complaining.

This is how crazy radical my life is without homework; I started the latest New Yorker magazine.  Like, in real time.  I'm reading the August 4 edition before, like, October.

Basically, I tutor every moment of my life this next week and then...


1 comment:

  1. Jesse and I both had a really awesome time! :) And I am so stoked the guys finally met!
