Saturday, August 23, 2014

What's Another Word for Balance?

I would just like to say that it was gorgeous outside today.  The entire time I stayed indoors doing homework.  Then?  We decided to go for a bike ride...and the rain started.  It was actually kind of nice, though.

We saw a snake and a coyote.  Separately.  It was entertaining and slightly alarming.

In other news, I have no idea when I'll be able to resume TGIF posts.  All of my funny pictures are on our old laptop that has given up the ghost.  I have backups on an external drive but it requires me to download a Windows drive or some other type of technological impossibility to make it work.  We all know that will never happen.  So I'm stuck for the moment.  No funny posts for you!

I'm trying to strike a balance in life, for lack of a better word.  It's so tempting to hole up with my homework and lesson plans, rocking back and forth in the fetal position, pausing every few minutes to double fist the chocolate.  But alas.  I didn't move to Denver just to hole up.  So I'm *trying* to remember to be active or at least, you know, go outside when I can.

I also need to remember that I stupidly signed up for a half frikkin' marathon and need to jog more than once a month in preparation.

So I ordered this running buddy that hooks over the top of your running shorts or pants via a strong magnet that keeps it from flopping around (or so they say) so you can store your phone and keys and stuff.  Lord knows not everything needs to flop when I jog.  My goal is to use it this week.  For an actual jog.  When this miraculous event will happen, I cannot say.

But!  We recycled the left-over meatballs from our last pasta night and made a killer meal:

Meatball Subs To Die For (if they have veggies, they're healthy, right?)
That's all I got.  Everything else I do is related to school and also extremely boring.  I still have a really bad attitude about my theory class and thus have only forced myself to read one of the nine required articles so far.

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