Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Remember Lit Society? (Plus: How to Have a Life! NOT!)

Job 1: Tutoring continues and is kicking into high gear, what with school right around the corner.  I'm not sure how I'm going to juggle all the students, considering that two nights a week I will be taking classes.

Job 2: Training for the K-8 school started up today.  I have caught on and stashed all my tattoo covers bracelets in the glove box of my car.  That way?  I can never forget them again.

Job 3: In my spare time (hahahahahahahaha) I'm working on themes and lesson plans to present during TA Orientation next week.  If they are approved, I'll have to whip up pull a couple of all-nighters in order to find readings and create a syllabus.  If they are not approved, I'll have to do all that plus start all over with themes.

You're welcome for that picture.  I know how much it means to all of you. 

Americans can be way too enamored with their busy and self-important lifestyles, so I'm not going to go there.  Nor do I consider myself self-important.  :)  Nor do I really want to talk about being busy.  I don't even like being busy.  It's mainly that I feel overwhelmed and mostly incapable of managing any sort of effective lifestyle for the next 5 months.


We started up LIT SOCIETY again!  This summer was a crazy one, so we took some time off, and I sorely missed it.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Based upon years of shame and vulnerability research, Brown has written a couple of books, including this one, about how to live wholeheartedly and open in a world that is cynical and focused on what we don't have rather than what we do.  Toward the end of the book, the points feel repetitive but they are good nonetheless.  In some ways, it reminded me of The Happiness Project (although it is not so goal-oriented or written in as friendly a tone).  To live a life that includes "enough" love and success means being vulnerable and open to failure.  As hard as that may be to stomach.

Brown asks a question that resonates with me: What is worth doing even if I fail?

The answer is - everything I'm currently doing.  All 57 jobs.  The reading in my car in between tutoring gigs.  Petting the feverish alien cats.  Covering up the tattoo.  Praying that my freshmen don't walk out of my first comp course and immediately drop it.

Back to it, peeps.  How is it Wednesday already?  How is it August??????


  1. When you are pulling your all nighters, you can think of me - I'll probably be up too!

  2. You are seriously amazing. When I think about me being "busy" I think of you and realize I'm crazy. Also - any time you need someone to drink wine with you, just let me know! I will also cook food and supply dessert ;)
