Saturday, January 18, 2014

Eighteen Wheels and a Dozen Roses*

Today we kicked off winter in Denver (a lovely 55 degrees) in style: at the National Western Stock Show!  More denim and rhinestones than you will ever again see in the same place.  (Lest you think I'm mocking, this is where I tell you that I'm from Arkansas and grew up riding horses.)

There is no place on earth quite like a stock show for the people watching.  This man, bless him, had such skinny legs that even his size 0 Wranglers were fallin' off him.

My pants, on the other hand, were fitting me a little too well, thanks to food like this...

...and this...

...and this...

We also love love love to watch the cattle judging, and to just hang out with them in general.  I can't explain why except to say that they are totes adorbs.  I think they're so cute I just want to love on them all day, if only they weren't bigger than my SUV.

G is very sensitive and says things like, "Dang, that's a lot of hamburgers."

We weren't able to go to the rodeo this time - we missed out on the tickets which was a major buzzkill.  Next year we are totally going to buy the tickets in advance and make sure we get good seats.

Although the stock show is tons of fun for us, we realize it is serious business for thousands of people, from several states and even overseas.  As we were walking around the stock yard, I overheard two men in a hushed conversation saying, "It's a good cow, but is it a great cow?  Is it an investment?"  That was sobering.  These people farm the land and raise animals that end up on many of our dinner tables, and from what I could see, they are doing their jobs in a respectable manner.

I'll raise a fried Twinkie in honor of that.

* This song is like a country music anthem.  It was written by Paul Nelson and Gene Nelson, and recorded by Kathy Mattea.  If you listen to it you will never - ever - get it out of your head.

1 comment:

  1. oh yeah - 10 more miles on his four day run, a few more songs on the all night radioooo... Did you listen to KSSN growing up?
