Sorry, peeps, no dose of ridiculous for you today. G thought it would be fun to go flitting off to Germany while leaving me as a single parent to the ingrate. So you'll have to tune in for his musings next week. You're stuck with me! Mwahahahahaha!
Another snowy (cozy) day in Denver. |
Lucy and I have been keeping ourselves occupied with homework, tutoring prep (I have some gigs!), chores, and napping.
My view when I read on the couch. |
My view when I read on the loveseat. |
Oh. And with supper club, of course. This was THE HIT last night. For the recipe, go
here (shameless plug just deal with it).
Chocolate Truffle Heavenly Deliciousness |
I only have a day left of work in my current job. It feels like a million years since I gave my two weeks notice. As much as I appreciate the many good things in my current position, I'm chomping at the bit to move forward, and time is such a funny thing. I start my new job later this week and it feels like it will never get here.
Nat King Cole and I were talking about my job changes the other day, and she said, "this has all happened so fast!" I was like,
speak for yourself, honey. It's been a drag over on my end.
I get what she's saying, because in the grand scheme of things, considering that it has historically taken me several months
at least to find a new job, this recent experience has been a whirlwind. But for me, it's been a long time coming, mainly because I had already been considering it for many months before I made the decision and wrote about it here...
So! On to new things! Here's hoping I can deal with youngsters. Something tells me they're most likely more mature than many adults I've worked with. :)
Good luck! My sister used to be a supervisor in a bank - we often talked about how we had many of the same issues; her with adult women, me with 5th and 6th graders : )