Monday, September 16, 2013

Traveling with Nerds


Before we went to Hong Kong, G trolled around online and found a nerd hobby store he wanted to visit.
We get to town and realize it's hotter than the surface of the sun.  Each day we are exhausted beyond belief after our tours and don't feel like going to check it out.  {Let's face it - one of us would never feel like going.}
But reality sets in and G realizes we won't be there forever, and so one day after our tour is over we take a cab to the heart of Hong Kong Island and go to the store.  It's AIR CONDITIONED inside, but so cramped that I had nowhere to stand amongst the shoppers.

So while G shopped and shopped and nerded it up, I STOOD OUTSIDE.  On the street.  In the 9 trillion degree heat.

Like this:

See all those bags?  Yeah.  After getting weird looks for about 45 minutes, I broke down and went inside to hurry him up find him. 

He bought one thing.  One thing.  I asked him - multiple times - is that all you're going to get?  Oh yes, that was all.

Until the next day when he was all full of regret and wanted to go back.  Which we did.  And I waited outside a-frikkin-gain.  Wife of the year, right here.  Although he'll never - and I mean never - live it down.


Remember the cool cable cars we took to get to Ten Ton Buddha

When I was describing the ride, what I neglected to tell you is that G spent the entire time - both ways! - like this:

Why?  Because the cable car route is parallel to Hong Kong's International Airport on Lantau Island.  So now, every time I want to put pics on the blog, I have to sort through about 500 that look like these:

Not kidding.

I would be zoned out, looking at the mountains and reflecting on our experience and then - "OH!  B, LOOK AT THAT!"  I'm frantically looking all over the place and he's going, "No!  Down there on the runway!  Is that a Cathay Pacific airliner?"  clickclickclickclick



Cab Driver:     Where you won go?

G:    The Air Force Museum please.


Cab Driver:    Wha?  Say where you won go.

G:    Yes, the Singapore Air Force museum?  Please?  I think it's down by the Air Field?

{A long silence}

{During which we all just sit in the car}

Cab Driver:    I never hear of this play.  How you hear of it?

G:    Online?

Cab Driver:    Oh.

{A really, really long silence while the cab driver looks in a phone book.}

Cab Driver:    I think I know wheya.  We try but...

G:    Yes!  No problem!  Let's try.

Not the Singapore Air Force Museum.  Actually a tribute to the Battle at Singapore in WWII.

{We drive around for an hour.  I thought we might be in Malaysia at this point.  All I could think about - besides a deep freezer - was thank God that Singapore taxis are cheap.}

Cab Driver:    AH!  YES!  I FINE I FINE!

G:    Oh, this is great, yeah!  Just pull up to the front of the museum.

{It was closed.}

Cab Driver:    Wha?  Close?  OH NO!  OH NO SO AWFUL I AM SO TRULY SORRY FOR YOU!

G:    I'm sorry for me too!  I can't believe this!

{This lamenting continues for a good 5 minutes.  Everyone is so sorry.}

B:    I'm sorry, too!

G:    No you're not.  Stop smiling.  This isn't funny. 

Cab Driver:    Wha kine of musee is close on a Monday?  Not right!  Not right for touris like you!  I live here all my life and never even know about this play!

G:    (colossal sigh)  Just take us to the hotel, then.


On the way back home, we had a 7+ hr flight from Singapore to Narita, Japan.

In Japan we had about an hour layover.  I spent the entire thing standing in place and stretching as much as possible, before getting on an 11+ hr flight back to Denver.

As soon as we get to our gate, G grabs the nice camera (I'm always stuck with the crap one) and goes, "I'll be back before we board!"

He stood at the window and took about 85 pictures of our plane:  the United Dreamliner.

It was cool but I mean, not that cool.

The End

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha!! He doesn't change, no matter what continent.
