Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Air Conditioning. STAT.

Hello there.  We are back in business. 

To say that we are jetlagged would be an understatement.  I remember when a single 7-hr flight was considered long.  Nowadays we have been taking them back-to-back and I have been on a plane for so long that even as I sit here on the couch and type, I feel like I'm swaying back and forth.  The thought of another 8-hr flight followed immediately by an 11-hr flight is taking on an uphill-both-ways-in-the-snow quality...

In a word, the trip was amazing.  In another word, it was hot.  This Denver heat, it has spoiled me.  It has lured me in with its promise of no humidity and I have become unable to endure the tropics.  The heat was debilitating.  It was its own force to be reckoned with.  Just looking through these pics in order to post a few makes me sweat.  But more on that later.

We are back and we are safe.  No crazy digestive issues or food scares or travel snafus.  We have some great pics and great stories to share, but first there will be sleeping on the couch while Lucy runs around the living room.

If you're looking for me, I'll be in an ice bath.


  1. It's nice to have you back - I'm looking forward to the pictures!

  2. Yes, welcome home!! Temps are hot this week, but NO HUMIDITY. That's the Denver guarantee. ;-)
