Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 7 - Some Resolution

After this past week, I have put down the paper bag and started to breathe normally.  Actually, it is impossible to breathe normally in CO because there is like no oxygen, but now that we are back in VA, my lungs are functioning once more.

Week 7 turned out to be the culmination of a lot of manual labor and logistics - it turned out to be the beginning of the end of VA, and a defined beginning to life in CO.

Week 7 of the Move Prep included:

*B's trip to Denver for work meetings.  She got to meet her entire new team and they are awesome.

*One team member brought in fresh produce from his garden.  Another brought in homemade cookies from his girlfriend who is a chef and food stylist.  Oh, this new office is going to rock my face off.

*G worked with the movers to solidify a date for them to pack our stuff and ship us out.

*G visited Denver, too, and had breathing problems, too.

*G pulled out the new camera and started practicing in preparation for the Africa trip.

*We celebrated B's bday in style.  It feels good to be 29.  Again.

*B fell in love with the mountains.

*G spent a lot of time saying, "See?  I knew you would love it!"

*B spent a lot of time drinking water.  And alcohol.  And Jamba Juice.  And water again.

*We had an amazing time with friends.

*And we traveled back to the land of humidity.

*We reunited with the old lady bun bun.

*And we are continuing to pack in preparation for the movers this week.

*B said goodbye to the ivy plant that has seen her through years of quiet times, prayers, tears, and endless cups of coffee.  It is going to the MIL who has a green thumb and can care for it.

*We are going to spend a couple of hours at work today to try (in vain but still) to get ahead for the week.  And we will do lots of laundry.  And lots of making fun of the bun bun.

I want to thank you for praying for us.  The renters and the new apartment are major loads off.  If you are looking for other specifics (A-peep!) please pray for sanity as we pack out and move in w/G's parents, and for God to delight us in Africa.

More to come, peeps!

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