This is me straight off the plane - luuuuuuuuuvly.
This is true bloggery, peeps. Me with no makeup and unbrushed hair, POST-FLIGHT. I have a few minutes before I meet my team for a loooong night of drinks and dinner (in that order) so I thought I'd fill you in on the last week of mayhem and chaos.
Week 6 of The Move Prep:
*We listed our house, kept our cell phones attached to us...and no one called.
*We finished up the manual labor and kept the house clean at all times...and no one visited.
*BUT - we got renters! A family who signed a three-year lease! Praise God and the Heavenly Host for that one!
*I haven't cooked a meal in days. My waistline is paying for it and yet I could totally get used to this.
*You know what's wrong with Haagen Dazs and wine for dinner? Absolutely nothing.
*As I type this, I'm in a good mood, but there is no downplaying the stress of the past few days. It has been extreme. Last Saturday, after about 4 hours of running errands, I realized that my shirt was on inside out. I was like, Oh Screw It.
------And let me just say that life is soooooo all about perspective. If I were reading these events on any of your blogs, I would be like, "OMG! That's so exciting! Their lives are moving at a crazy pace and their future is laid out in front of them like one big adventure. Things are going to work out; they'll find renters; they'll find a great place to live and they have such a cute little bunny!----------
--------But since it's my own life and not how I romanticize your life, I'm more like, "OMG! I'M GOING TO HAVE A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. HOW DOES ANYONE IN THE WORLD EVER MOVE ANYWHERE?!-----------
*And I wasn't the only one losing it. G and I were talking about our upcoming bdays and he was like, we'll turn 34. I was like, ummmmmmmm, don't you mean 35??????
*We met with the movers and arranged them to move us out - next week. Gulp.
*We got our official Africa itineraries!
*We experienced what it's like to live in a really clean house. It's very nice. And very temporary.
*Work was off the charts crazy. Like, hyperventilating and questioning my own sanity crazy.
*But that's ok because the clock is ticking, people! And then I'm gonna be on a plane to the Dark Continent!
The view from my hotel room. Kinda blah right now. |
*We have several appointments lined up at the end of this week to look for apartments.
I'm going to try to blog during my stay here! Technically I'm here for a bunch of work meetings, but I'm actually consumed with soaking in my new town!
Talk to you peeps soon.
Ok, one more precious bun bun shot:
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