I wish I had enough coherent thoughts to string together for a halfway entertaining post, but alas, I do not.
*I saw a license plate today that said LUVGZUZ. Hilarious!
*I have gone from having my own office to sharing it with two people who I am training. This means that I get no time to myself, ever, during the day and my introvert hackles are raised at all times. On the outside I am patient (thanks to all those years of being a college academic advisor!) but on the inside I am one big rubber band ball of stress and anxiety.
*Combine this with living in someone else's home - out of a suitcase - and you get a very ON-EDGE PERSON.
*Combine that with my frantic efforts to use up all the training sessions I have already purchased with Ben and you get a very TIRED, SORE AND CRANKY ON-EDGE person.
*I am just now getting around to reading up on South Africa and Zimbabwe - you know, since I'll be there in, like, 5 days. Turns out that English is the most-spoken language. I knew that about SA but not Z, so thank God for that one.
*And I am washing the clothes we bought for the trip - lots of light layers that can be combined together if there is a chill in the air (it's the southern hemisphere, so these are the winter months there).
*In REI, I was tempted to buy some safari-style neck scarves, but I refrained. Not so much out of fashion sense as out of being-completely-broke-before-we-even-go sense.
*The crazy thing for me is that the move to Denver, as thankful as I am for it, has pretty much eclipsed the anticipation of the Africa trip. This is great because it has made time fly. But this is also disconcerting because the Type A's are already living in a state of What Did We Forget Because I Know We Must Have Forgotten Something, and our recent daily chaos has only exacerbated this.
(Sp? Oh who knows...)
*I just have this feeling that we're going to get off the plane in Africa and be led, like docile sheep, all over the land, to and fro, and that we will be completely fine with that. Anything that does not have to do with renting or cleaning houses, or paying any type of rent or mortgage, we will gladly participate in at this point. Great White Sharks? No problem! Walking with lions? Oh, that's easy! Animals don't care about hygiene or money!
That's enough randomness for one day!
We bought sleeping bags for the kids at REI in Santa Fe. The young sales guy asked me what type of environment we'd be needing them for and I said, "oh they'll probably mostly use them inside." He said, "aren't those called blankets? HaHaHa." I rolled my eyes at him but I have to admit it was pretty funny. I wanted to buy them $20 Wal-Mart bags with tacky cartoon characters on them, but of course James wanted quality. I don't suppose we'll get real-time updates while you're in Africa. It almost seems like you're traveling to another planet. Try to convert a few people while you're there and then you can say you've done missions work.