Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week 2 on the surface of the sun

Not to sound like an 85-yr-old but it is hot.  Like, withering.  Like, draining to the core.

We got up this morning and every window in the house was fogged over. There's a heat index of something like 118 here - with humidity.  I will so not miss humidity.

Week Two of moving preparations has been every bit as chaotic as Week One.  I know that we're making progress, but to look around, it sure doesn't seem like it.

This week has included:

**The third and fourth trips to goodwill.

**G's job is trying hard to transfer his position (with him in it!) to CO.

**B's formal promotion (to management!) at work.
**A walk-thru of our house, room by room, with our realtor to prep it for staging.

**We bought a camera for the Africa trip.

**We said goodbye to a good friend, and loved on our niece and nephew.

**We celebrated the 4th of July.

**B's work threw a picnic that was hotter than blazes.

**And we bought tickets for a house-hunting trip to CO.

It's all happening!  If we can only survive this heat!

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