Though pictures are worth a thousand words, sometimes words are frikkin' hilarious.
In our frenzy to get the house ready, we have had about 75,000 workers in and out at odd times. Plumbers, the realtor, the junk guys, etc. Here are just a few interesting conversations that have taken place lately.
Our realtor, gazing at a bookshelf in the library full of classics, says: "Hmmm. David Copperfield, eh?"
Us: "Yeah, we got these classic books from B's papa when he died. He loved Charles Dickens."
Realtor: "Hmm. So...are you guys really into magic or something?"
Us: "....???"
One thing that concerns us, as people filter in and out of the house, is their impression of our pet. Do they think we're dirty or unkempt for keeping an animal inside? Do we seem strange to other people?
Today our plumber looked at Orca's cage (she wasn't in it), and goes, "Whatcha got there?"
We explained.
He goes, "Hell! I love rabbits. Me and my wife? Let's see, we got two pigs - in the house! The 200 pound one actually sleeps with us. And we got six ducks, all named Aflac. Six dogs, two cats, two snakes. Oh - and two kids."
Between us just now:
G: "This is never going to end. We are never going to be done."
B: "Oh, yes we are! And we're moving to Denver!"
G: "If we don't pile all our crap in the front yard and burn it first."
Folks, that pretty much sums up our state of mind. TGIF!
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