Saturday, July 21, 2012

Is wine a complex carbohydrate?

Moving sucks.  It's the process and the logistics of it all.  I have been packing, sorting and cleaning all morning.  With help from Jesus, Coldplay, Adele and the Ting Tings.

I'm munching on sweet potato fries (just a few!) and cranking this out while I wait for the junk dudes to get here.  While I try to keep my remarks on this blog fairly neutral and light, I have to say that I'm at a low point right now.  It feels like despite the fact that we work on the house constantly, we are never. going. to. finish.  There is no. light. at the end of this tunnel.

And to make matters worse, my work life is getting stressful.  I've been handed a huge blessing - I've been promoted and this is a good thing.  But it is coming with so much responsibility and so many moving parts, that I feel the tide dragging me out to sea.  And I roll over and over in the waves of anxiety and the fear that this time, it really will be my undoing.

Despite working harder than a one-armed paper hanger yesterday, I did not sleep well and that's a bad sign.  Sleep is not only a hobby of mine, it is something at which I excel.  I have mastered it completely and can practically do it standing up, so last night was a bad, bad sign.

I was thinking this over while scrubbing out the fridge this morning, and my iPod shuffled to the song "More" by Matthew West.  These lines - that I've sung a million times - came alive to me, as if spoken by God:

I want you to know
that I'm not letting go
even when you 
come undone.

Thank God for Christian songs and for the Holy Spirit's timing (I fully and completely believe that God works by using modern technology in my life).  I can do this.  This is my chance.  This is our chance.
And I'm so not going to cave now, or squander this blessing.

The other thing about moving is that it pushes your patience to the extreme. Our marriage is a malleable thing, which comes in handy at times like this.  I may or may not have told G today: "I just spent an hour cleaning the fridge.  If you mess it up, I'll kill you."

Orca, on the other hand, is living the dream.  Because we have moved the furniture around in order to paint, she is able to reach all the places she has always wanted to.  She spends her time underfoot, sniffing and sleeping, lost in peaceful bunny dreams.


  1. I think that if we ever move, I will be extremely tempted to sell everything we own and just start over wherever we go.
