Friday, June 29, 2012

Week One (& TGIF!)

Bison in the mirror are closer than they appear.

TGIF, people!

In honor of our upcoming move out west, I thought I'd pick an appropriate pic for TGIF!  Although I realize there are no bison roaming the streets of Denver.  I'm just sayin'.

So, the move became official a week ago today. 

Week One has included:

**Two trips to goodwill to drop off stuff.

**Two come-to-Jesus discussions with our realtor about the impossibility of selling our house (and the next steps to take in order to rent it).

**Letting Trainer Ben know that we now have a firm fitness timeline.  Gulp.

**Contacted a potential realtor in CO to see about renting a place in the city (a first for us!)

**Packed up books, books, and more books in order to "stage" the library.

**Made the final Africa payment. 

What joyously good timing it is for us to begin hemorrhaging money.

**G broke the news to his employers and they have begun (please, Lord!) to look into transfer possibilities.

**B's job made its formal announcement about her move and new position.

**LOTS of emotional ups and downs, and facing our fears about uprooting ourselves and beginning a new

Happy Weekend, everybody!  Hope it's cooler where you are!

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