Saturday, June 23, 2012

Be careful what you wish for

Because you just. might. get it.

We are moving to Colorado.


We *should* be relocated and settled before Thanksgiving.

True to form, we have made things as complicated as possible.  Not only are we moving, but we are going to try *hard* to rent our house.  We would prefer to sell, but that is not a reality for us right now.

And there's the Africa trip, firmly scheduled and non-negotiable in the very near future.  And the remaining inoculations - two rounds - that we still need to get.

We have wished and wished to move out West, and an opportunity just dropped -- stealthily, quietly-- into our laps this week.  My job is sending me to Colorado to help direct operations in a new office.

I keep looking around like, where are the adults?  They need to help us out here! How in the world are G and I supposed to like, do all this?

This time last week we were laying around the house with fevers and sore arms. Today?  We bought packing supplies in order to store away some of our stuff and start prepping the house.

There are some surprises, namely:

1.  Um, we're moving to Colorado.

2.  It will be because of B's job and not G's.  Who knew?

3.  How very excited and ready we are to leave this area and prepare for a new adventure.

4.  Philip Yancey has written a lot of books.

5.  And we will be schlepping them, and a rabbit, cross country.

We are working to establish a timeline to rent the house (will probably list right before we go to Africa), for G to officially start the job search, and for B to find a place and relocate to Denver.

Say some prayers and cross your fingers for us, because life is about to get...COMPLICATED.

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