Friday, June 15, 2012

Hakuna Matata, My Butt

So, we got all shot to pieces this afternoon.  If I ever see another needle it will be too soon.

We're visiting South Africa and Zimbabwe and these are the shots for those countries:

*Hep A
*Hep B
*Yellow Fever
+ Malaria pills

The shots, in addition to filling you with all kinds of deadly germs, will cause fever.  We were told to take a fever reducer (note: do not take aspirin).

Our doc was cool.  He chatted very nonchalantly as he prepped all of our torture devices shots.  Turns out that the yellow fever shot is a live virus, so he has to "activate" it before giving it to us.  To pass the time, we asked why it's called yellow fever.

He says, "Oh, how to explain?  Because it affects the liver and you turn yellow."

We were like, "Well that makes sense."

Then he says, "And you start bleeding from...oh, everywhere basically...and then you die."



"You are ready?  Let's begin!  Who is first?"



G gallantly went first (read: his chair was closest to the doc).

Then it was my turn.

Interesting tidbits:
*G pointed out that we have taken vacations that were cheaper than these shots.  INDEED.  As we went to check out, I whispered to him, "Just use the debit card."  Then when the lady said the amount, I reached out to the counter, regained my balance, and croaked, "Never mind.  Use the credit card."

*Drink lots and lots of fluids.

*Expect a fever and sore arms for a couple of days.  The doc said it helps to move around (and even work out) quite a bit - this will increase circulation to the sore areas.

G says he is fine, but my arms are definitely sore.  I think I need the healing power of a Tex Mex dinner on a Friday night to make me feel like myself again.

Did it hurt?  Yes.

Was it worth it?  Yes.

Because we are goin' to Africa!

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