Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Three Day Weekends, or: My Reason For Living

You know what's great about the 3-day weekend?  Well, there are lots of things, but to top it off, it's a 4-day workweek!  Woo Hoo!

Hope you enjoyed the weekend & Memorial Day - it's officially summer.  And it's hot hot hot.  It's already a bajillion degrees around here.  I walked outside early this morning and it was stifling.  I just shook my head and went back inside.  Can't take it.  Especially with like 150% humidity.
We headed to Our B&B for the weekend and had a couple of days of Outdoor R&R (long hike, some kayaking, lots of time in the sun).  We went sans bunny this time.  There's a lot of room in the car without all of her animal accoutrements!

We are starting to mentally prepare for Africa.  In the next few weeks we are getting the rest of our electronic gear, weather-appropriate clothes, and...our shots.  Lots of them. 

We debated about which is scarier: getting shot up with all kinds of viruses OR getting prepped to go into a cage and have an up-close encounter with great white sharks.  The verdict?  G: the shots.  Me: the sharks.  But alas, we will experience both and we will *hopefully* survive.

We enjoyed some Sonic this weekend.  Oh, nectar of the gods!  Why, oh why don't we live near one?  (Probably because it's the only thing keeping me on this side of Obese.)

We got back yesterday afternoon and swiped the bunny from her boarding facility.  The fam is back together again.  Let's hear it for a short week!

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