In an attempt to enhance my photography skillz, I bought a Holga camera shortly before we went to London. These have been around for a long time and are really popular (I'm right on track with my typical being-several-years-behind-the-times way of life). Holgas are nicknamed "toy cameras" because they are made of flimsy plastic and look like they have been assembled by toddlers. The film is shaky at best, and they make it clear that no two sets of film will ever come out the same because of this.
But I thought, what the heck! G was not impressed, but I enjoyed how the pictures turned out.
I happen to love the effects. G scowled at this and goes, "It looks like you're on an acid trip." |
Then I was all, "NOW who looks like they're on an acid trip?!" | | | | |
I like to call this one, "Monet goes to London." |
Doesn't this encompass the essence of a foggy London day? (Just nod.) |
G was like, "You need to hold the camera still. These are blurry." I was like, "Au contraire mon frere, these are ART." |
I see many more Holga adventures in my future!
Tell G...well, I'll be quiet, but I LOVE THESE! Good for you for being artistic. Better than dolls...that's all I'll say.