Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How to make a marriage last

Considering our upcoming anniversary, I've been mulling over a few things that make our marriage work.  Like, really work.  Here's a thought:

Speak to each other via the household pet.  Such as the following - let's just say, purely hypothetical! - examples:

"Orca?  Did you remind Daddy that it's his turn to do the kitchen?  By the looks of it, he must have forgotten - for like a week!"


"Orca!  Hi, baby!  Were you a good girl while we were at work today?  Yes, you were!  Unlike Mama, who left her crap all over the laundry room floor!  She's gonna cause a major accident and then she'll be sorry, now, won't she?"


"Wow, look how high the grass is growing, Orca!  It's going to seed!  If Daddy doesn't get out there and mow it, the Home Owner's Association is going to send us a letter!"


"Hmmm, Orca, just look at that!  A Victoria's Secret magazine AND a Christianity Today magazine arrived at the same time!  And our mailbox didn't get struck by lightning!"

It's all about communicating through a furry intermediary.  THAT'S how to make a marriage last.

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