I proudly announce...
my new Keurig!
It's like having my own barista in the house! Except not really because it doesn't make lattes and cappuccinos. Oh well - isn't that why they created Starbucks?
You can rest easy because I will now officially stop yammering on about our anniversary. It was Saturday:
We did not do anything noteworthy. We were supposed to go hang-gliding, but had to reschedule due to high winds. They said the winds were great for flying, but not so much for landing. And, in my book, landing is kind of like important, so...
This time last year we were in Hawaii and don't think we haven't spent a few moments whining around the house about it. Namely when we received confirmation of our reservations at the Turtle Bay Resort for this weekend:
We were like, uhhhhhhhhhhh.....whaaaaaaa? G finally broke down and called them to make sure they had not set up some kind of recurring reservation for us in their system. The only thing worse than NOT going to a Hawaiian resort is being charged for a late cancellation of a reservation you didn't make. Turns out it was a marketing gimmick. Turns out that with three college degrees between us and multiple readings, it still seems like a confirmation letter.
Not that we're bitter or anything.
So, tonight I'm meeting with a personal trainer. It turns out that my eat-whatever-I-want-but-don't-worry-about-working-out-EVER diet plan is not as effective as I would like. Wish me luck.
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