Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Arthritis?

Tell me, does this look like an elderly, arthritic bunny to you?

Also notice that in the bottom, right-hand corner, you can catch a glimpse of the cinder blocks under our couch.  We put these under there to block her, of course.  If we didn't block her, she would spend all her time down there chewing the carpet.  This is the life we lead, people.

Remember a couple of months ago when we got the new furniture and I was all excited?  Well, here's the part I left out:  the trip to Home Depot to get approximately 36 little cinder blocks to go underneath everything.  Classy, I know.

We had to rush her to the vet's office this morning.  I tell you, my heart just can't take it sometimes (yes, I know she's a rabbit, an animal, a pet.  I'm well aware that there's genocide in the world, grave injustices, orphans, refugees.)  Her breathing was rapid and shallow, and since rabbits are prey animals, instinctively they do not show weakness or pain.  Therefore, by the time they start acting odd, or off, things usually go downhill very quickly.  And since she's old, and since we're so attached...well, off to the vet's.

Waiting is the hardest part.  Turns out the diagnosis is the same as it was a few months ago when we went through this ordeal:  She's old.  But for now, and for the foreseeable future, she's fine.

I have an idea:  you guys bring your crazy toddlers over here so they can chase Orca around.  That way, they all get their energy out and meanwhile we can kick back with some drinks.  Or just take naps.

Notice the progression of ornery-ness last night:

Is it Friday yet?????


  1. You don't have to justify love for pets. They are part of the family! And as for letting Miles the Terrible chase poor Orca around - I would never put Orca through the trauma. Unless, of course, you are talking lemon drops or Apothic Red...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. p.s. I love the couches - they look like something I would pick out if I had more than 20 minutes in the furniture store with the holy terrors running rampant.
