Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weekend Highlights & Trying New Things

Some highlights from our fun weekend in our favorite country spot.

Winter Walks

Winter is farrrr from my favorite season, but there is something I just love about taking walks in the cold, and even in the snow.  We timed our walk around the lake just right this weekend - it started snowing on us as soon as we set out.


I kept my phone ringer off the entire weekend until we got in the car to drive home.  No morning alarm.  No constant alarm "reminders" to remind me to remind myself to remind someone else to do something or check on something or make a call or follow up on a meeting.  On Sunday I took a luxurious nap.  There's no other adjective to describe it.  I woke up to inches and inches of snow!

Snowy Weather

The best snow days are ones in which I don't have to worry about getting to work (or the stress of not being able to get to work), or driving in it, or having to be anywhere by any certain time.  The best snow days are when we have nowhere to be and we can curl up with the bun bun and read or sleep or eat or just gaze out the window at it all.

Thrift Store Finds

Lately I've been trying something new:  shopping at thrift stores and consignment stores.  There's a very nice consignment store on my drive home and a couple of weeks ago, Carpool Buddy M and I stopped to take a gander.  I ended up getting a really cute blouse for Valentine's Day (appropriate for work) for $5.  I thought, Hmmmmmm.  So we hit up a local thrift store this weekend and found some great books and some more "trial" blouses for me.  $1 each!  Can you believe it?

These blouses will look cute - and different - under jackets & blazers at work.

I love Pearl Buck (Read "The Good Earth" immediately!) and thought this book jacket looks great!

I'm also trying to wear more color.  It's easy for me to get stuck in a black/brown routine.  I always see colorful clothes and think they're so cute, but somehow never think to apply them to my own wardrobe.  I got this coat for $10.  The gloves give me "man hands" and are as big as my head, but whatever! 

More weekend highlights to come!

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