Remember when I got my first massage back in the summer? And I was so impressed that I scheduled another appointment for mid-semester?
That appointment was yesterday.
When I scheduled this appointment (back in August) the intent was to motivate myself to work out during the semester.
I'll pause while you have a good laugh.
Go ahead, really.
Since I haven't been working out, I thought that I don't really "need" a massage. But I was wrong. (1) I (everyone?) hold a lot of stress within my body, which causes lactic acid build up in knots all along my back, (2) Massages are good not only for relieving physical stress, but mental stress as well. So, I went for it. And I'm really glad.
I tell you, that was the most relaxing and quickest 80 minutes of my life. Swedish Massages FTW. I went to my mental travel happy place and became clay in the hands of the potter. It was magnificent and I am hooked. I never in a million years would have guessed I would be such a massage fan, but live and learn. I am!
Because Loo Loo Bean has refused to go back in her cage at night, and I've ended up sleeping on the couch, I've had the worst pain ever in my neck. The masseuse spent extra time on that and gave me advice about what to do the next couple of days to help elongate that tendon and relieve the pain. !!!!
So, I scheduled another appointment for mid-semester next year! I've decided that a massage every three months or so is just what this bunny momma needs.
I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and realllllly looking forward to the glorious Saturday before me. No plans. We're not leaving the house and I most likely won't get out of my pj's. I've got so much homework and grading to do that I'll probably alternate between tasks and cleaning all day. And I'm fine with that. :)
Happy Saturday!
God sure does know about perfect timing!