Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Good Stuff

This summer has presented an alarming amount of stress. One of these days, when enough time has passed and alcohol has flowed freely through my system, I'll talk about it on here.

But let's accentuate the positive, shall we? Be thankful for God's good gifts and all that?

This has happened a lot lately.

I've moved on from DDP's (<-- for the time being. I have a feeling that once school starts up again, so will the caffeine fixes.) to Diet Cherry Limeades. Yummy Summer Refreshment, people.

G has given two keynote addresses at conferences over the summer! Somehow, under all of our noses, he has become a well-known and sought-out subject matter expert on like important things. I can only get away with putting this on the blog because I know he's too busy to read it right now.

Do you like how I buried that under my Sonic minutiae? Maybe he won't even notice.

As I type this, I'm sipping coffee in my extremely clean and organized house. That alone is worthy of its own blog post and I'm still incredibly impressed with myself.

Lucy is not impressed. Nor was she helpful with cleaning.
I got a raise at work! Let it be known that I still don't make any money, but acknowledgment is acknowledgment. A raise is a raise.

I also got another job! I was offered a grading job for a couple of professors from a different department. This is a great opportunity for me to get a foot in the door of a different part of campus, and my grading philosophies match up with theirs. I'm sure I'll want to die a thousand deaths about every other week this semester, but we've got to recover from losing all of our money over the house sale, and this is a start.

Oooh, another job? Does this mean you won't be home much anymore?
I've given a second round of clothes to goodwill. My body, it is a'changin. I sure wish I could speed up the process, but hey, I'll take it. Thanks to some unexpected gifts, I got some new clothes lately and there may or may not be a spring in my step. Just sayin.

We have transformed our front yard and it looks a thousand times better than it did. It still has some bare patches, but time will fix that, and we have attracted some high rabbit drama. In addition to Lucy's boyfriend, we now have these two, who play in the yard until they start fighting over our apparently delicious weeds. They circle each other and munch so dramatically. It's all drama over here, all the time.

I'm going to put up a petting zoo sign and just start charging people. I present to you the scene that plays out each morning:

Lucyfer, who gets her meals brought to her twice a day by The Help, couldn't care less about any of this.

I'm really looking forward to the semester, especially the classes I'm taking. I'm also hoping for good students in the classes I'm teaching. I don't think anything can match my angel class from the spring. I also don't think I deserve to get another sh*t bird class this soon. There's got to be a happy medium. Please, please, please.

And with that, I must get a run in before it's time for a hair appointment. Not to be confused with a hare appointment. I really, really need some highlight action these days...

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