Colossal sigh.
The introverts are exhausted.
But that homework ain't gonna do itself.
I present to you, Neurotic Lucy: A Series
Every day, people. Every day. Loose pieces of tissue paper everywhere we step.
I have a book recommendation, though! For those of you at the 7th grade reading level!
Ungifted by Gordon Korman |
I would definitely recommend this for middle school/early junior high because it taps into a kid's (male perspective) desire to be cool without crossing the line to inappropriate language or innuendos. In fact, if our lessons go well over the next couple of weeks, I will probably look up some of Korman's other books for future work. Maybe he writes from a girl's perspective too? I hope so! He writes in a way that captures a young person's attention and keeps the story moving along, yet also has overarching themes and literary devices worth studying.
And that, folks, is all I got. Here's hoping - and I mean seriously hoping - that tomorrow is a better day. Adios, Monday.
I found a tip on an ADHD website - and Caleb is definitely not ADHD, but maybe a little ADD depending on the subject - they suggested occasionally trading places with the kid and letting them do the teaching. This is a little easier to apply in math or subjects with a lot of writing, so they can answer and you do the writing (quickly for once!!!), but maybe it could be modified to help with reading too. We don't do it often, but when we have Caleb has really liked it.