Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Food and Drink

What else to call this post?  The subject basically covers my reason for living.

Look what arrived at my office yesterday!

If you have never tried chocolate-covered pineapple, then you now have a new life goal, my friend.

I can't decide if I like it better with white chocolate or dark chocolate.  Perhaps I should write an argument essay discussing the value of both in preparation for the GRE.  Or...I could just eat some more.  Because we all know I could use those calories like a hole in the head.

I have a wine recommendation for you that is perfect for summer (you know, now that summer is almost over.  But hey!  Better late than never.)

Yes, that is a lime you see.  On a wine glass.  They recommend a splash of lime and you will not regret it!  It tastes like a combination of limeade and ginger ale and champagne and wine.  It's like, if Sonic served alcoholic beverages, they would bring you something like this.  With lots of crunchy ice.  Now that I think of it, I bet they could pour an entire bottle's worth into one of their large cups.

Also, dinner last night:  My Favorite Sushi Roll Ever.  I consider it preparation for Hong Kong and Singapore.  Fresh fish?  Why, yes I believe I will!  Basically anything that adds a bit of spice (pun!) to my study schedule.

Food and drink are the highlights of my life right now (oh, Jesus is probably so proud of me for saying that) because the rest just consists of work and studying.  And quite frankly, I'm not studying as much as I should.  What I call "studying" for math is really just staring at it and praying for enough osmosis to create some damage control. 

The rest is staring at hundreds (and hundreds) of vocab words, taking practice tests, cussing (again with the Jesus comment), taking more practice tests, and writing timed essays over and over again.  Only to finish them and think, hey, maybe I should have addressed the main argument.  OMG I can't wait - either way - for this to be over.

Kind of like how Lucy feels about going to the vet.

In other thrilling news, G replaced our shower head and now I can clean myself like a normal human being.  I was breaking records, people!  The old shower head, combined with a zillion pounds of water pressure, was so painful that I could take a full shower AND wash my hair in under about three minutes.  Probably more like two, if I'm being completely honest.  Combine that with the hot CO temps of late and you get a delightful smell picture.

Enough procrastinating.  Back to it...

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