I'm becoming a CO Native more and more every day.
I'm overcoming the cold or funk or whatever it is. All I did yesterday was lay around and sleep (and frantically try to finish a book I'm reading for a very elite book club). I can nap with the best of them, but it's a sure sign that I'm sick when my nap to wake hourly ratio is 1:1. Just sayin.
We have had a few very successful phone cons with a lender and it looks like we will move forward with a house search. There's a lot of paperwork for me to catch up on this week, but all the signs we are receiving say Full Steam Ahead.
It's very, very hard to think that another move could be just around the corner.
When we moved in here, it was time to decorate for fall. I wonder if we will be in a new house by the time fall rolls around this year? OMG I can't handle the thought of it.
Cross your fingers for us.
Another thing I can't believe? My brother GRADUATES COLLEGE next weekend. How is it possible that he is aging but I am not? I don't feel a day older than when he graduated high school...
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