Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Like Water on a Rock

It has taken me a year, but I have convinced Gama to come stay with us for a while!  She was this close to making a trip to VA last year when we up and decided to move to Denver.  And at the time I figured that closed the door forever.

But my steady drip, drip has done its work.  Did you know the flight from AR to DEN is shorter than AR to VA? (drip)  And I now have no commute, so I have an extra 2-3 hours a day to spend visiting with you. (drip, drip) I remember all those times when I was little and you promised me that one of these days, when I was older and had a place of my own, that you would come visit me. (DRIP).

She caved.  She's coming out here in May.  Mwahahahahahahaha.  And to think that people talk about manipulation like it's a bad thing or something.

I'm like the proverbial dog who has caught the car.  Now what do I do?  We have no bed for her, so we've gotta figure that out.  Also?  She's from the generation that, you know, ate rabbits for dinner.  She had the occasional pet, but they never stayed indoors, so it will be...interesting for her to share an apartment with a bunny.

Do you think I can get her hooked on The Vampire Diaries?

Hold on while I rub my hands together deviously...

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