Sunday, February 25, 2018


My friend, Em, was here this past week and, well, there was a lot of food. We tried a new (to me) brunch spot called Sassafras and OMG. I will be going back there again, and again.

You guys. This is a buttermilk biscuit topped with a homemade Pimento spread and pickles, fried chicken, eggs, and duck fat gravy.

Duck fat gravy.

I'm gonna just give you a minute.

In other news, we got Roo Roo this cat tunnel and she mostly just gets stuck in it and lays down for a while. It kills me.

She was mama's lil Valentine.

It has been beyond cold in Denver. I haven't ridden my bike in weeks because of snow and ice on the trail. My legs are like, "This is fabulous, and also, pass the pizza."

A friend gave me this plant clipping and I'm just waiting for it to sprout some new roots so I can plant it in a pot. I'm upping the ante in the ol' bay window. Slow and steady wins the race against G and his green prejudices. (He says he can see bugs around the house. There are no bugs around the house.)

Roo Roo claimed the tree skirt at Christmas and it has become her magic carpet. Our morning ritual is, she lays on it and plays in the library while I drink coffee and work on my thesis (i.e., stare out the front window).

I've had a couple of nervous breakdowns lately about the thesis. I got overwhelmed with the theory portion and my advisor had to talk some sense into me. All is well now and I'm plugging along on it. I'm sure I'll only have to rewrite it about 14 more times before I graduate.

I've also tentatively started sending my CV out and looking for teaching jobs. (When I graduate, I'll have to teach at other colleges in order to remain a writing consultant at this one.) I've received some enthusiastic responses, which is a good sign, and I'm hoping fall enrollment is good and strong everywhere so I'll get a few more classes under my belt.

With our crazy schedules and visitors, G and I are two ships passing in the night. He brought home these flowers the other day and this has become my favorite view.

I've been able to read for fun, though! Life is starting to shift in that way.

Not only that. I've been watching TV, too! Top Chef Denver is almost done but that's OK because the latest season of Homeland just started up again and next month the season finale of The Americans comes on.

Yesterday I helped a friend move out of her apartment and clean it, which brought back all kinds of PTSD from that phase of life. (BFJ, if you are reading this, I kept thinking about that Hawaii apartment you helped me clean. Me: "Thanks for helping and everything, but I mean, I AM giving you this dish drainer so..." You: "Yes, I'm the one with the better end of this deal.") So, so glad to be settled in a house.

Well, loves, this thesis ain't gonna write itself. Not sure how much my involvement is adding to it, but hey, I gotta graduate.

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