Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Details

They say the devil is in the details, and while that is true, he doesn't own all that real estate himself. There's a lot of small and significant joy to be found in the little things, too.

I spent many a day over the holiday break sifting through our stuff, taking things to goodwill, and deep cleaning all the nooks and crannies of rooms. "Down sizing" is maybe too strong a description of what I've been doing, but just barely. My goal is to move toward minimalism. Kind of like if minimalism traveled a lot and picked up knick knacks and also had a baby bun bun who loved toys all over the floor.

Over the past months I have gotten rid of extra books, organized the ones that are left, and relocated my teaching and school-y ones to a shelf upstairs. This has given us more space in the library for the books that we enjoy and want to be surrounded by. I got smaller shelves to go in front of the bay window, and for Christmas, G's parents gave us the elephant bookend. I like it so much that I bought the giraffe one, too. The microphone-looking stick in the front is from the Maasai village we visited in Tanzania last summer.

Here's a close-up. Isn't it great??

Amazon had such cute book ends that I ended up getting these, too. This is a set of funky, eccentrically-fashioned animals. I put them in the living room. They make me so happy. It's like Alice in Wonderland, the Safari version.

I got rid of our old bowls and replaced them with (fewer of) these Japanese ones. World Market to the rescue.

The details aren't just for the house - here's an infinity scarf that has key quotes from Pride & Prejudice on it. Merry Christmas to me.

And I'm able to showcase my Tanzanian necklaces much more in the winter than I am in the summer. Turtlenecks FTW. Also, it's been too icy for me to bike lately so I've looked like a human rather than a bedraggled mess all day long.

Roo Roo got into trouble yesterday. She destroyed a pillow and then tried to act like she had no idea what was going on.

As soon as I cleaned it up, she crashed.

What details are you focusing on in the new year? Don't leave them all to the devil.

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