Monday, January 22, 2018

Is It Me? Or Is It Them?

I've mentioned before that I often try to coerce my students into participation by "offering" extra credit.

There's no way they could think I'm serious when I say things while fiddling around with the computer/projector/TV, like, "Ok, extra credit to the person who helps me figure this out." I mean, they're millennials. They know technology. Sometimes a person will trudge up to help me, but most often they just sit and stare at me while I try to figure it out.

I'm sure you can tell where this is going.

That exact scenario happened in class last week and after a few - probably painful - moments of everyone sitting around while I tried to work things out, a girl came up to the front, messed around with my computer, and got things working. As she walked back to her seat I jokingly said, "See guys? Extra credit to -------!" Ha ha ha we all had a good laugh and class proceeded.

I got an email from her this morning asking why her extra credit hasn't shown up on her grade yet.

It's gonna be one of those semesters.

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