Hello, loves. Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts and texts about Loo Loo Bell. The house has been very quiet. It has been so weird to dive into All The Summer Jobs without her glaring at me from the hearth.
Life has started to move on. Yesterday we had an appointment with the travel doctor to review our shots and meds for the upcoming Africa trip.
A few years ago we got all shot up before going to South Africa (like, all shot up) and most of those shots are either good for life or at least a decade, so luckily all we need this time around is another dose of Typhoid Fever.
There is an option to take this one orally instead of via shot, so you know G was all about that. You take one pill on an empty stomach, with a large glass of water, every other day. And, voila! No Typhoid Fever. I'm trying to block out the fact that I essentially had a disease for breakfast today.
Otherwise, we loaded up on Malarone (no Malaria, thanks), antibiotics, bug spray for our clothes and for us, and some travel pills to take to ease the stomach into such a different diet. All this stuff worked like a charm during the last trip, but Tanzania is very different from South Africa, so we're crossing our fingers there won't be any surprises. Regarding our health, anyways. Other surprises are welcome.
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