Thursday, June 1, 2017

2 Surgeries in 2 Days

Things have been pretty rough over here the last few days. Lucy has had another one of her emergency stomach episodes and this one was a close call. In the 16 years that we have owned rabbits, Lord help us, we have become experts in the range of issues they can present. In Lucy's case, she is perfectly healthy except that every now and then her stomach will become blocked. This is a mysterious process and comes out of nowhere. It also creates a quick and serious ripple effect that will shut down her GI system and lead to organ failure if it's not addressed within a matter of hours.

Which is why it's a very big deal whenever she (1) stops eating, or (2) acts just a little bit "off".

Long and tearful story short, she has been in and out of the hospital this week as they've tried to stabilize her GI system in order to perform surgery on her. Luckily, her beloved vet is doing the surgery tomorrow. Luckily, she is stabilized and is back to her sarcastic, disdainful self while she - unknowingly - waits for the procedure.

There may even have been a couple of bites of fresh strawberry and fresh banana. She's basically the rabbit equivalent of the 6-year-old getting her tonsils out and eating nothing but ice cream for days.

There is good news here. If the vet is able to find a blockage in her stomach (it doesn't show up on X-rays or scans and is therefore probably something like a chronic hairball or fibrous object that has been in there for years, possibly even her whole life) and remove it, she'll be back to a completely normal bun bun.

There is scary news here, too. Rabbits are prone to a big problem with surgery because anesthesia is very tricky for them. It's entirely possible that the anesthesia will be too much for her. Also, she's just about 6 years old, which is middle aged for a bunny. While she's definitely not old, she's not a young, spry lil thing either.

So. That's tomorrow. Please say a prayer to our God who loves animals.

Why did I say two surgeries? Well, remember my Tooth Drama? Which is important enough to be capitalized like the proper noun that it is? I've had a CT scan and a series of appts to see how well the CADAVER BONE inside me is helping my own jaw bone grow back. Looks like things are stable enough for them to insert a stint into the new bone today.

Let's reflect on that for a minute, shall we?

I'll have you know I've already requested the ol' nitris oxide.

The stint will go into the bone - again with the Lord help us - and will set for a few weeks, at which point the new tooth/crown can be attached to it and, voila! No more meth head West Virginia trailer park nonsense up in here.

All this is to say that G is going to have a delightful few days ahead of him as I recover. As we recover. I'll be laid up. And Lucy will be laid up. I'll be medicated and will have follow-up appts. Lucy will be medicated and will have follow-up appts.

You might want to say a prayer for all three of us.

You might want to say an extra one for poor G, or as I now refer to him, Florence Nightingale.

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