Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tune In for Your Regularly-Scheduled Panic

You might think that the title is in reference to school, to classes starting up again, the fun travel abruptly coming to a halt, and hours upon hours now spent reading and writing.

You would be wrong. Fortunately (!) school could not be going better. My students are still dolls, and the classes I'm taking are remarkable.

No, the trouble is not with school or work. It is with the lil bean.

Incidentally, she looks like how I feel whenever I put on jeans. But, anyhoo.

On Monday she wasn't eating or drinking or acting right and as the day went on (a very, very busy day, I might add, in which - luckily - G just happened to end up staying home sick and was able to observe her) she got worse. He rushed her to the vet and they found that she was developing a blockage in her tummy. In the rabbit world, this is called a GI stasis. It means that her digestion comes to a halt and then the clock starts ticking. If it's not resolved quickly, well, things get really bad really fast.

The vet gave her fluids and meds, then sent her home with strict instructions to force feed her a formula every few hours. We've done this before. I've posted about this before. This time, we didn't have to do it hourly, only every few hours. But between the prep and the feedings and the nerves, we didn't sleep much, or well.

Now she is totally back to normal and we are completely exhausted. And G is still sick.

She really can't figure out that dang standing desk.

It occurs to me that Lucy has a bad habit of falling ill during the second week of every semester. Every semester. She has set up her own routine schedule of inflicting panic upon her poor, weary parents.

See how she glares? How she scowls?

But all's well that ends well! We're thankful for a healthy, if grouchy, bun bun.

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