Well, well, well. Guess who has finished, printed, and officially posted both syllabi?
Feel free to email AND text me with praise and extensive congratulations.
Now I just have to face the needy students and their needy needs next week. The emails have already started, inquiring about text books, etc. I'm like, you guys, stop, I'm too exhausted.
And I'll have you know that we took the Christmas tree down today. On January 14th. At least I'm not driving around with an enormous wreath on my car, or reindeer ears and such, but apparently I'm turning into that type of person. My mind barely let me fall asleep last night. It was like, "But the tree. The treeeeeeeeeeee." I got up and took off the ornaments first thing this morning, skulking around my own front room with the blinds closed. By the time I finished my second cup of coffee, G had packed it up and thrown it into the garage, high on a shelf, and I had vacuumed and dusted my way out of sloth.
In order to remedy the darkness and cold that will be our lives for the next few months, I got some lights from World Market. Look how festive!
This way I can still sit and enjoy my coffee in the mornings (and sit and enjoy my tea at night) in some sort of festive, lighted bubble of goodness. I liked the lights so much that I put some up in the living room, too.
You might be wondering what happened to all of Lucy's friends. Well, I dropped the lights onto the hearth and busted three of them, which resulted in a super fun afternoon of vacuuming and crawling around on our hands and knees (oh, who are we kidding, poor sick G crawled around on HIS hands and knees) double checking for minute pieces of glass and picking up microscopic pieces of all kinds of things with scotch tape. Hours, you guys, hours. Because of my great and fantastic light idea. So I swooped up her friends and her towel (doesn't her cage look naked?!) and put them in the wash.
I'll have you know that as I type this, everyone is back in his/her place and boy do they look fluffy and clean. Basically we should clean everything in our house about 3 times as often as we actually do.
I know what you're wondering. Did Lucy help? No. No, she didn't. She's making up for all the excitement by crashing in her cage. Take a look at this lazy girl bunny rabbit. We call this The Crescent Splendor.
We've made another change to the house in 2017 as well. Check out our new standing desk:
Funny story about this, you guys. I'll give you the moral up front: In America, it's easier to be lazy than active. The end.
We were in Office Depot before I went on my recent peep visits because I needed to grab a notebook to take notes for lesson planning. I have a very particular and peculiar method of note taking that is basically a long OCD story. While I was picking out the cheapest yet largest legal notepad I could find, G was wondering around. We had been planning to just make our own standing desk out of, well, I don't know what, but he had found a sturdy, big, adjustable one there. And it was big enough for two people to work on it at the same time.
Except, although the desks are on display in the store, you can't actually buy one there. You have to buy it online.
Except, when G checked, you can't actually buy the table all together. You have to order the legs and the table top separately. Although you can pay for the order together, the pieces will be shipped separately and will arrive at different times.
So we chuckled a bit and made some sarcastic comments about the convenience of Amazon Prime in comparison to this, ha ha, and moved on with life.
Within about a week, both packages had shown up and sat in the front room until G had time to deal with putting the desk together. At which point we realized that Office Depot had sent us the legs and a BOX OF 60 ROLLS OF TOILET PAPER.
Sixty rolls, you guys.
G had a melt down.
I was downstairs reading and I heard a ton of scrambling around, and he goes, "DID YOU ORDER A SH*T TON OF TOILET PAPER?" I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOO."
Bottom line: It's not possible to conveniently make and execute healthy life choices in this country. Give up now, grab a slice of pizza, and just move on.
He called the Office Depot customer support line and had to repeat the toilet paper info about 4 times while I rolled on the floor and snorted with abandon. They sent us the table top and took away a small country's supply of bathroom material, and now we stand all the time!
Big changes in dawrighthouse. But, not very much TP...
First, THE LIGHTS!! Aside from the breakage, I LOVE THEM!! Second, TP! I'm dying here.