Sunday, October 16, 2016

Food & Fun

Alternate titles:

*An Introvert and Her Yumminess
*Just About Perfect

This weekend was a good one. The weather was perfect; the leaves are beautiful; I'm not dying of stress; there was a lot of cooking and baking and eating and reading and napping. Some cleaning. Some TV watching (THE RAZORBACKS WON!). Some grading. Some homework.

Not bad.

Well, hello fall.

After my MASSahgze yesterday morning, I met a peep for brunch. Read: spicy Bloody Mary with bacon-infused vodka. Read: times two.

Steuben's is such a tasty brunch choice. It reminds me of when we used to live in the apartment (when we first moved to Denver) and I would walk to work. Remember that? I'd pass by it all the time and drool.

So that G wouldn't be left out of the yummy festivities, I cooked one of his favorite meals for dinner. Since our team won, I'm now wondering if I should cook this during every game...Add noodles and you have yourself the perfect meal.

The tree across the street, that I love watching change colors in the fall, is starting to shed leaves quickly. It has turned a brilliant red, then a fiery orange, and now every single time the wind blows, it rains leaves. I'm thinking by Tuesday, that'll be all she wrote.

Must go ponder this over a DDP. Must summon my strength for another crazy week.

1 comment:

  1. Are those little miniature loaves of bread? That's adorable and I feel I need to go get one of those pans ASAP. Oh and I still make that pasta sometimes! It's a general favorite.
