This past week I spent a few minutes every day trying to clean up the crap pile in the library. Finally, today, I finished. My blood pressure - not to mention G's - has been lowered.
Part of the crap pile was this summer's pile of books. And part of the reason they were still out on the floor is because I keep meaning to blog about them. So, let's start with this trilogy:
Rick Yancey's Fifth Wave series of YA books (The Fifth Wave, The Infinite Sea, and The Last Star) detail the story of an alien invasion on earth that takes the form of carefully planned and executed waves. These waves consist not only of sheer force but are also designed to take advantage of predictable human behaviors - an interesting twist on Yancey's part. These books are just as much about human behavior (good and bad) as they are about teenage love and angst in dystopian America. The first book is so novel and suspenseful that you won't be able to put it down. The others work to resolve the story and therefore they are heavier on the relational drama than suspense, but you'll want to read them to see what happens in the end.
The plot (especially in the first book) is good, and the writing is OK. Prepare yourself for fragment sentences now; they get old but perhaps that's because they are targeted for a young audience? It's not a bad idea to review these before the kids read them. The language is...really something...and there are some s*x scenes that would have certainly gotten my attention in junior high. When I read stuff like this, I chuckle to myself that Judy Blume books were so controversial back in the day. <eye roll emoji>
That said? Try these. Good story overall.
The Hogs are losing, G seems to be getting sick, and I have a series of difficult presentations coming up next week. Ugh. But the library? The library looks great!
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