Thursday, June 16, 2016


Or, the title that G suggested for this post, "Sh*t We Saw In Japan."

Here's a realistic glimpse into our vacations through the pics that don't make the first or second or third cut for blog posts.

Not all of our selfies work out.

All. The. People.

In order to get this picture:

We had to deftly navigate our way through this crowd:

The Signs

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front): I speak 1.5 languages if you count English, some French, and the Hawaiian I picked up along the way. So, no judgement here. But. The signs.

Weird Sh*t

There's weird stuff everywhere, but it sure is fun to photograph on vacation.

The time the deer walked into Mario's store. (Zoom in. Look closely.)

Nothin' to see here, folks. Why don't you turn on around and go back the way you came.

The biggest crosswalk I've ever seen. Five directions at an intersection.

There are no words. We loved every minute of the owl cafe. I've spared you 99% of the pics. I look deranged because I'm so happy.

The scariest ET ever.

Stuff like this puts my animal mania in perspective. I cooed at the deer. I sweet talked them and fed them loads of crackers. I didn't cuddle with them.

When you go to the temple, you have the option to get your fortune. It involves this process of shaking a big container full of sticks until one falls out. The number on the stick correlates to a drawer system. You find the drawer with your number on it, open it, and pull out your fortune.

But if you don't like it? You tie it up here and leave it at the temple. 

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