Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Changes, Big and Small

I think about the blog a lot, but somehow I just can't seem to write much these days. That will soon change. I want to write more because this is a kooky, creative outlet for me, but also it's one of the ways I keep up with my peeps. I follow your blogs, you follow mine, everyone knows what everyone else is up to since we're spread across the globe. I bug each and every one of you when you lapse in posts, and here I am totally neglecting the virtual world.

It beez what it beez.

I want to lay around like this all day.
We are mid-semester and life has officially become too hectic. I've spent much of the last few weeks thinking about the future and deciding how to change things moving forward. My professional/academic life is great, but I'm spread too thin. It's especially rough this semester because the one class I'm taking (dang you, critical theory) is so complex and boring and stressful and relevant all at the same time. It's sucking the life out of me and I cannot wait to read actual literature again.

On the plus side, I haven't had to rewrite a paper in weeks! AND, my prof loved my latest paper and called it "wonderful." I have basically been floating around campus every since.

We had to make a whirlwind trip to Arkansas over the weekend for a funeral. While that was sad, it was a great time with family and we were able to sit and make plans with several cousins who want to visit us this summer. I had been contemplating not working at the writing consultant job over the summer, and these discussions sealed the deal for me. Lots more involved in that decision, but suffice it say I'll have a couple of months off this summer! Yard work, here we come!

Spring has arrived in the south.

Instead of boarding Loo Loo Bell, we took her with us. It was the longest road trip she's made so far and she handled it like a trooper. She may not like bipeds or festive decorations, but that bun bun loves riding in the car. Here's a shot of her hanging out in our hotel room.

Yes, she really is that fat and fluffy.
In other news, guess who is teaching two sections of a brand new (to me) course next semester?? I'm officially moving on to Comp II in order to get a few semesters of teaching that course under my belt. I'm moving on up in the world (which is to say I'm no longer at the wee bottom).

I've had convos with a couple of my key profs lately to talk about my career plans, and I'm feeling good. Which is another reason why I've decided to cut myself some slack and pull back on my writing consultant hours in the future. I still love that job and plan to work there for a really long time, but I would be a happier and more stable human being if I could focus on classroom work more, both as a student and an instructor. So, the fall will be a bit more relaxed for me. Which is not to say easy, but at least it won't feel impossible.

Die, Critical Theory. Die.
I'll end on a particularly high note.

Spring Break is next week.

There is grading and course planning and writing and research.


There is also sleeping and running and relaxing and binge TV watching and GIRLZ WEEKEND.

More to come, peeps!

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