Saturday, December 19, 2015

If It Happens Before 9:00 A.M. Forget It

Remember how I said it takes me a good week or so to "calm down" and settle into vacation mode?

Consider me settled.

All I do is read, lay around, snark at Lucy, read some more, and nap. There have been errands and a bit of Christmas wrapping-up (pun!), but really? I'm on the bullet train to Lazy Town.

I met Nat King Cole yesterday to get some of The Precious (pecan shortbread cookies that are just beyond). Because she had like, work meetings and crap, she wanted to meet at 8:45. I was like, ummmm, technically I'm still in bed at that time but I'll do whatever I need to do because we wants the precious.

The Precious
I've moved beyond the mystery novels to books that take me longer to read, so no book reviews for a bit.

In case you're wondering, I've heard more about the new Star Wars movie than I care to hear about. I've gotten it from all sides. G went to see it on opening night - the first showing, actually - and so did The Russkie, and my bro/sis.

I'm surrounded by nerds. Please help me. You're my only hope. (<--get it?)

We share DNA? Really?
In other news, some bunny isn't so bah humbug these days. She occasionally lets us love on her! We even kiss her on the nose!

I know it looks like he's holding her down. He's not. She would never go for that. He's just loving the back of her ears.

Look at her fur on that pillow. We vacuum a lot.
That's all I got. I go no where. I do nothing. And it's wonderful.

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