Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bring On The New Year!

Sing this to the tune of Elton John's "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road" -- Goodbye, Twenty-Fifteeeeeeeen!

You're welcome for getting that stuck in your head. It's a good song.

We are ringing in the new year with NyQuil instead of champagne. Because, you know, if we weren't sick we would really be partying and living it up.

All day yesterday. Also, all day today.
One of the good things about being away from home the week of Christmas is that we get to come home to loads of cards and gifts when we pick up the mail. Remember how I blogged about some new, small decorations for the house? Well, look what I just happened to open up last night!

This is a custom-made Colorado state decoration! A-peep figured I would appreciate it since I love Colorado (and Denver) so much. She was right! I love it and have given it a new home on our window sill.

This little guy has found a home above Loo Loo Bell's cage. She's thrilled.

Are you ready for the new year? It occurred to me this morning that I really only have two more weeks until the semester starts up, so I've been on the phone scheduling some dentist appts/dr checkups/etc. Am also going to start up syllabus revisions today in addition to the usual reading and napping.

I'm also going to refine a few goals for 2016. Are you doing resolutions?

2015 was good to us. A few highlights were:

*I got to see Gama three times.

*My little brother got married. I love my SIL - she's a keeper.

*G had some pretty incredible work opportunities that involved travel, meeting new people, doing new (important) things, and giving a key-note speech at a local conference.

*He kept up his nerdy nerd involvement and even expanded it to include even MORE games. Lord help us all.

*There was a spur-of-the-moment GIRLZ WEEKEND.

*G went to lots of nerd conferences where he met famous nerds and talked about nerd things. Here he is with the actor who played Colonel Tigh on the new Battlestar Galactica:

*I lost (and managed to keep off) 16 pounds.
*We started biking all over the place.
*And hiking all over the place.

*We sold the VA house. And lived to tell the tale. Barely.
*G got to visit the peeps during that whole sh*t show process.

*Did I mention the hikes? Because there were some good ones. I'm proud of us for getting out and exploring in the middle of a stressful season.

*All the food.
*With all the peeps.
*We had some good times.
*There was a lot of reading and a lot of writing.
*There was a lot of complaining about the aforementioned.
*We transformed the front yard!

*I came into my own as a teacher. I overcame enough hurdles to feel, if not settled, exactly, then at least consistently confident.
*I got some good kudos and work opportunities and raises and new jobs.
*I got an entire year closer to the "career" that I want in the long-term.
*We went to VEGAS!

*I presented at a conference.
*We went to SALT LAKE CITY.

*2015 was a year of health for the bun bun, and she even made strides in being a little love bug. We're to the point that one or both of us loves her up every day. Don't tell anyone, but I think she likes it. She just has a surly reputation to uphold.

*And she's quite the traveler!


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