Sunday, September 6, 2015

While I Was Tutoring

Yes, you read that correctly.

Yes, I did say that I'm totally done with the tutoring. But.

I have one student who is a hold-over from last year, and she has lots of academic stuff to tackle this semester, so I'll be meeting with her for the next couple of months.

Every now and then, as she works on tasks or timed tests, I'll check my phone for the time. And I'll see stuff like this:

Notice that her surly expression never changes. She merely puts up with us because we supply the food.

This has been a doozie of a week, mostly because I'm front loading my presentations and "extra" projects in the classes I'm taking. Last week was a presentation in Woolf, next week is a presentation in Am Lit. I basically want to curl up and sleep for a thousand years BUT, in the long run, it's great to get these projects out of the way before (1) All The Grading kicks in, and (2) the holidays start to approach and I'll want to go into full-on hibernation mode.

Thank Jesus and the Heavenly Host that tomorrow is Labor Day.

Another area of effort this semester is keeping the house somewhat decent. We like it to look like actual adults live here.
Example A:

After The Great Closet Collapse, I did another sweep for goodwill. Things are much more manageable and organized now.

I haven't been super successful at socializing lately; I'm in that phase of the semester in which I feel overwhelmed and like school is eclipsing everything. It has caused me to cancel some time with peeps and I do not like that at all. Trying, trying, to get on top of things and halfway have a life.

Saw this one - and her new kitten! - last night. He's only 4 months old and is a total cuddle bug. If Lucy let me hold her like this I would never leave the house. I would love on her and eat bon bons all day long and I'd be just fine with that.

There may or may not have been a lemon drop martini involved. My first alcohol in weeks. Down 13 pounds!

So surly. So not cuddly. So irritated by the bipeds.

Get that thing out of my face, dad.

Ok, if anyone needs me today I'll be reading Uncle Tom's Cabin. All day. I'll gladly accept Sonic drinks or house cleaning services if you'd like to provide. Just sayin'.

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