What? Momma's going to have even more time off? Ugh. |
The latest book:
Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham |
I have watched a few episodes of Girls (Dunham's incredibly successful HBO show) and it makes me feel old. I mean, it's about, and produced by, a girl of a whole different generation. I don't relate to the blatant narcissism (even if it's ironic) and all the sex and drinking and partying and endless self-involvement. That's not to say that her generation is unique in any of that (hello, Woodstock), it's just hard for me to relate, as a woman, to her oh-so-popular-and-controversial form of feminism.
But! To each her own and all that.
Dunham, as self-involved and sort of crazy as she can be, is extremely smart and a very good writer. I'm impressed with her success at such a young age. I'm impressed by her success in a world (Hollywood) that typically rewards women more for their looks than anything else; she has really tackled it with her skillz. I want to be impressed by her confidence (is that the word? I'm not sure) to bare so much of herself and just put it all out there (literally and figuratively) as she tries to figure it out, but I can't quite go that far.
I guess I'm more intrigued than impressed. It would be exhausting (and she admits this) to truly dwell on how things affect you all the time, to never be able to get out of your own head. I mean, I thought I was bad! I'm practically a free spirit compared to her.
I'm interested to see where she goes from here, what will be her life trajectory. And if (when?) she writes more books, I'll most likely read them.
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