Sunday, April 19, 2015

Zero to Sixty

Yesterday was one of those days. We had planned to go to Cheyenne, and then realized that my grueling homework schedule does not allow for an entire day off right now. So, we looked around for other things to do and nothing sounded right. A museum? No. A hike? Too cold. A walk? Too wet. A movie? Nothing playing. We kicked ideas around for a while and then decided that we would just stay home.

So I finished my last Austen novel. (<-- Persuasion. It is FANTASTIC.)

And then...Lucyfer seemed to be getting sick. You know how I've mentioned before that when things happen with rabbits, they happen very quickly? Well, we fretted and watched her for a few hours and then she returned to normal.

Watching and fretting. Fretting and watching.

Heart attack averted. She's fine.

So after our day of doing nothing and then launching into overdrive about the pet, I'm exhausted. And I have 4 papers to write. Two due this week, two due next week.

This is how I feel about it.

Here are the books I've read so far this semester. I still have two more to go. And this doesn't include a number of articles that could wall paper the Taj Mahal.

BUT! Guess what finally started up last night? Season 3 of Orphan Black. Finally! I know how I'm going to spend all of my Saturday nights for the next 2 months.

If you haven't watched this show, you need to. Go back and start at the beginning. It's a little saucy but so, so, so worth it. Best show ever. Besides Frasier.

I'll give you a choice: you can either come over and write about Austen or about Feminist Thought. $1,000 is all yours. See you soon.

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