Sunday, April 26, 2015

What Happens When the Introverts Socialize Too Much

This is what I look like first thing in the morning when I have to feed Lucy hay that G and I are severely allergic to:

One of my eyes looks considerably smaller than the other one because I like never wash off my eye makeup and I so obviously sleep on one side of my face more than the other. But as long as I'm sleeping, I'm not complaining!

When, I'm awake, however, that's a whole other story. Let me just say that if you're getting sick of my whining about papers...buckle up, baby.

The whining is going on in earnest over here. I finished two last week and have been slaving over a long Austen research paper this weekend. I will seriously pay you $1,000 to come over and finish it.

And I chipped my Ireland coffee mug! Grrrrrrr. That just means I have to go back over there and get another one. Done and done.

As it happens, I ended up taking most of yesterday off (from writing). I had 95 errands to run, and finished the day at a BBQ at one of my fellow TA peep's house (<---- is that grammatically correct? Do you even understand what I'm trying to say? A fellow TA. Had a BBQ. At her house. I attended. Gawwwww my brain is deaddddddddd.)

But before that - I went to a student graduation! One of the students that I have been tutoring for over a year is now a program-certified personal trainer!

He knows everything there is to know about health and science and nutrition and exercise. He now says things like, "Make your sweat cry." I'm like, mmmm hmmmm, I'm going to Sonic and then I'll join you.

I'm so sick of writing papers.

I'm so sick of breaking from one paper to write another. Or to start yet another novel for class. When does the school year end? When is the magical "summer" season starting, in which I get to sleep and read books for fun without a pen in hand????

Here is what G did all day. Nerdy nerd.

OK, enough of a break. Back to academic purgatory.

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