Hello, loves. I think about my blog peeps every day while I'm buried under slave narratives, Austen novels, and student essays.
As hard as it was to decide (finally) to quit tutoring, man oh man have I reaped the rewards on a daily basis.
Who even knew what a difference it would make to be able to come home after work and school? I've started up on the treadmill again (read: staying awake to grade papers). The laundry is getting done. The dishes are getting done. We (sometimes) have groceries in the house. I no longer eat every meal at Chipotle or Carl's Jr. I don't sit in the car for hours a day. I don't fill up with gas twice a week. I have spare time on the weekends now that I'm not prepping tutoring lesson plans nonstop. And by "spare time" I mean extra nap time and cram time for the 4,000 novels I must read each week.
Let's take a minute and appreciate that. Let it sink in.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh |
With this extra time - literally hours each week night - I am able to reacquaint myself with my old buddy, discipline. I've been grading 10 papers a day (this still takes hours, 2 at a minimum, closer to 3) so that I won't want to kill myself this weekend. I've been eating like a normal human instead of a starving refugee. I've been keeping up on my reading and even - get ready for this - have tackled a couple of
New Yorkers this week. It's the first fun reading I've done since January. And it will most likely be the last until Spring Break at the end of next month.
No more of this |
My goal is to bring fitness back into my life again. Biking, 5K's, walks, a little yoga with M-Dawg. Perhaps a push up or two. Maybe consuming less than 5,000 calories a day (with the exception of Lit Society of course. I mean, duh.).
One thing at a time, though. Gotta go grade.
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